There is always more diversity out there than meets the eye...

... and the work in our research group – Dr. John Wares and Dr. Bud Freeman, as guides – involves studying the distribution of spatial and other trait diversity through genomic data in aquatic ecosystems. As much as possible we ground this work around organisms that need such data to aid inference in how they move, how they are adapted, and who they interact with. You can call it "molecular ecology" or phylogeny or studies of movement and introgression, it's all just asking about how diversity moves around successfully on this planet. 

Quick Links

if you want to know what I'm currently thinking about, maybe follow my Bluesky feed which wildly varies in coverage of biogeography, aquatic biodiversity, bicycles, climate change, and intense political frustration. 

If you want to know what opportunities there are for working in our group, this can be found on the People page. I love working with colleagues and students but I'm careful about how thin my resource can be spread. 

If you are looking for products or data from our group, look on the Resources page. You will also find links to teaching resources there. You might find other things there, I don't know. It's just another page.

If you need to contact me, I'm at jpwares [at] and will do my best to respond. – JPW